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  • Writer's pictureRobyn Kemp

Clueless 9/10

The film is a 90s adaptation of the Classic Jane Austen tale of ‘Emma’. The Young, rich, Cher at first seems superficial and fake, but behind her beautiful facade hides her charm, wit and intelligence. She begins matchmaking and takes a new pupil under her wing, transforming her and showing her the ways of teenage social life, even though her own love life isn’t quite as easy.

Nothing screams 90s like Alicia Silverstone (Cher) in a bright yellow tartan mini skirt with a ginormous mobile phone plastered to her ear. What’s not to love? Clueless is the classic high school comedy. If I were stuck watching one film for the rest of my life, it would have to be this. This isn’t a standard rom-com, it’s funny, it’s witty and it’s clever.

Cher, the heroine, is self-absorbed and seems egotistical, but you can’t hate her. Just like in Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ – somehow you can’t help but love her. She is a character to be loved. Nothing cheers me up more than entering the “normal” teenage life of Cher, with her computerised wardrobe, and outrageous 90s fashion choices. From the moment “Kids in America” begins to play, I know I will spend the next 97 minutes with a smile on my face. There are many other incredible soundtrack choices, along with this, including, Radiohead and David Bowie.

The reason the film is so enjoyable, is as a teenager we all wish we could spend a day in the life of Cher. When watching the film again as you get older you pick up on the irony, and the sarcasm of the script. The film is highly quotable. There are many witty and clever one-liners: "we’re both named after great singers of the past that now do infomercials”. The life of Cher as she matches up her teachers and new girl Tai (Brittany Murphy) with the coolest boy in school invites you to laugh, the film is hyperbolic in places but that’s where it’s charm lies. Whether it’s Cher’s incompetence in her own love life or her regular comments on things she knows nothing about. The film laughs at itself, it’s bold, bright, and flamboyant; yet the story is enchanting. Even with Cher’s ulterior motives, it’s obvious she truly wants to help people find love. Her matchmaking skills may not be those of Cupid, but her intentions are sincere, even if not well thought out.

The relationship between Cher and her ex-step-brother Josh (Paul Rudd) is possibly the most unlikely, yet utterly romantic relationship. Paul Rudd readily plays the clever, relaxed, protective and kind, guy-next-door character. He’s charming, and as stereotypical as it sounds it is easy, not only for Cher, but also for everyone watching, to fall head-over-heels in love with him. The narrative is classical as it’s taken from Jane Austen but director Mark Waters cleverly updates it, perfectly suiting 90s America.

If you’ve made it to your mid-twenties, and you’ve not watched Clueless you’re sincerely missing out. It is a cult classic that will be a go to teenage comedy for years to come. For me this film will never lose it’s charm, there will never be a sad rainy day, where Clueless, a cosy blanket and endless cups of tea won’t cheer me up. It’s a feel-good film, an homage to the 90s, with a tongue-and-cheek attitude. The acting and script class it to be one of the best high-school films. It should be on everyone’s ‘to-watch list’ even if it is purely for the horrendous outfits and witty script. It’s not just a rom-com, it’s THE rom-com.



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