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  • Writer's pictureRobyn Kemp

Jungle Cruise Review 4/10

Jungle Cruise, unfortunately fits the description of just another Disney theme park film. It is not quite Pirates of the Caribbean, and probably fits in the category of the lessor known theme park ride films, which have not been as popular. While watching, and definitely by then end of the film, I was left thinking that it must be hard to create a film based on a ride that is entertaining, full of interesting plot lines and twists for over two hours.

The acting and characterisation are respectable, but the characters are slightly exaggerated and edging towards over-the-top Disney cheese. There are elements of dialogue and interactions that do seem genuine, but they are overshadowed by the over comedic exchanges, and flamboyance. The subtler uses of puns do bring a smile to your face (as we all know at least person who loves a pun), creating more of a connection between the audience and the film. Visually the film did feel like the audiences’ own little paradise; the amazon came to life in a magical way through Visual Effects and well-integrated CGI.

Alas, there is not a lot more I enjoyed, without spoiling the film for those who want to go and see it, the end was boring and slightly sickening with how obvious it was. Do we really need another intelligent, independent woman give everything up for a man? Although romance will always be a part of films, I believe it can be done much better.

There were further blunders such as a few obvious continuity errors (a pet hate of mine), along with the fact, that even after seeing the film, I can’t tell who the target audience is? Jungle Cruise is a 12A, however I’m not sure how many teenagers and young adults would be eager to see this film compared to Avengers releases and DC films. If it’s for the under 12s, it requires an adult, who is aware there are a few scarier moments, and swearing. Again, there are more obvious choices in the cinema right now for children in this age bracket. It is light-hearted and easily watched by any age but I’m not sure a fan base will be established.

Two hours is also a long time, and in the case of Jungle Cruise it feels like a long time for an adult, let alone a young child. I began the film enjoying the elements of Disney charm, but as it became overwhelmingly obvious and generic, the length really stood out. They could have cut some of the hyperbolic sections with Prince Joachim (Jesse Plemons), and repetitive action, where Frank (Dwayne Johnson) annoys Lily (Emily Blunt) in another way, again and again.

In the end, would I recommend seeing the film at the cinema? No, if it’s a rainy Sunday afternoon and you just want something with a bit of Disney charm then it is still worth watching, but don’t expect anything ground breaking or new, its just another stereotypical Disney adventure story.

Rating 4/10

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